Unconditionally welcoming everyone as Jesus did!
Creating a healing/resTorative environment, as Jesus did!
Recognizing that ALL people are made in the image of God!
Receiving the resToration offered by Jesus because we are broken.
Loving one another because He first loved us!
Trusting His promises and seeking to follow Him in every aspect of our lives!
Making disciples by baptizing and teaching in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Praying in the Spirit on ALL occasions and with ALL kinds of requests!
Relying on His Word; living, powerful and most certainly true!
Our Vision
resTore will be a Christ-focused missional community with a heart for God's restoration. As part of His family, we will continually reach out to the community in a variety of ways. Together we will do God’s work, God’s way, and trust in His supply, warmly inviting all to belong and help everyone learn their story. We will strive to share the experience of His love and power and embody His promises in every aspect of our daily lives, through Proclamation, Explanation, Community, ResToration, and Experiences.